

Michelle Goulet

Marketing & Proposal Coordinator

Michelle has architectural experience in both residential and commercial design, through development of conceptual ideas and construction documentation, using traditional drawing methods and computer-aided drafting methods.

Her love for creating shared experiences, community, and event programming brought her to study Special Event Management and eventually work in the events industry where she developed a strong skill set in project management, marketing, promotions, and negotiation. She then made her mark in the non-profit world, specializing in fund development for some world-renowned children’s charities. But her first love of architecture and design has brought her to ground cubed where she will foster her creative spirit assisting with proposal coordination, marketing, and design.


Bachelor of Fine Arts - Interdisciplinary Studio Arts | MacEwan University, Alberta, ongoing

Special Event Management | Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Alberta, 2010

Architectural Technology | Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Alberta, 2008